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Why choose Assisted Living Property Opportunities?

1:  Low Risk

Assisted Living properties can provide secure income through long-term leases with care providers. These leases are often backed by the government, offering additional security and ensuring that Assisted Living is a low-risk option.

Why choose Assisted Living Property Opportunities?

2:  (CPI) linked Rents

Assisted Living offers protection from high inflation by tying rent increases to the government's Consumer Price Index (CPI). Each year, rents increase according to the CPI, but they never decrease, even if the CPI is negative

Why choose Assisted Living Property Investments?

3:  No Landlord Costs

Assisted Living investments come with a fully repairing lease, meaning the care provider covers all maintenance, management, and insurance costs. Investors are not responsible for service charges, ground rent, legal fees, or stamp duty. According to Forbes, purchasing assisted living properties through a REIT is more tax efficient.

Why choose Assisted Living Property Opportunities?

4:  Commercial Valuation

The typical 25-year management agreement signed with care providers means that Assisted Living accommodation is commercially valued against its yield. As a result, the asset class typically has a higher capital value than residential property on the open market.

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The Advantages of REITs

Investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) presents numerous advantages compared to direct investment in social housing buy-to-let properties.


A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a company that owns real estate that makes money, like shopping centers, office buildings, or apartments. By investing in a REIT, you can earn a share of the income from these properties without having to buy or manage any buildings yourself. REITs usually pay most of their profits to investors as dividends, which makes them a good way to get regular income more tax efficiently

What is a REIT?

For those who want to diversify their investments with safe and high-earning options, investing in Assisted Living properties backed by government-funded care providers is a great opportunity.

These properties offer the advantages of real estate with the stability and security of income from the government, making them a reliable choice for those looking for steady returns.

With high yields, rents linked to inflation, and no landlord costs, Assisted Living properties are perfect for those seeking secure passive income without the hassles of traditional rental properties.

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Assisted Living properties provide a high-yield alternative in the residential market, delivering assured income while positively impacting local communities.

This type of accommodation offers extra care for individuals under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act who can live independently but need assistance with tasks like meals, housekeeping, medication management, and personal care.

Care companies offer REITs long-term, full-repairing leases with assured rents above the market average, making Assisted Living a secure and attractive option.

What is Assisted Living 

Liquidity and Diversification

REITs provide exposure to a diversified portfolio of properties, reducing the risk associated with investing in a single property, while their shares can be bought and sold on the stock exchange, offering greater liquidity compared to direct property investments.

Regulatory and Tax Advantages

REITs mandate a 90% dividend payout, ensuring consistent income for investors, and they are exempt from corporate taxes. Forbes asserts that REITs provide a tax-efficient means to invest in real estate, making them an attractive option for portfolio diversification.


REITs, as publicly traded entities, can leverage favorable market conditions to increase their EBITDA multiples and market value. This provides an extra dimension of value appreciation not commonly found in direct property investments.

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